Friday, August 27, 2010

It would make me feel much better if I knew they each owned a sweater

So it is 3:42 AM and I have decided to start a BLOG. My internet is not being a good internet so I’m typing this first on Microsoft WORD. As if that really matters.

Anyways, I am just going to jump right in.

I’m here this morning to talk about penguins.

Yes, you heard me: penguins; some of the most fascinating creatures out there.

You may be asking why at this point? Well, here’s why:
I was reading this book by Donald Miller called Blue like Jazz (I recommend it) and one chapter was titled PENGUIN SEX. Okay, now I don’t really remember why it was called that but it talked about something really fascinating so listen up cause here it comes.

You see, after momma penguin’s pop out their eggs, they shuffle them over to their mate to keep them warm. Then the mommas leave for a long time to go get food.

And this is where the magic happens.

Yah see, the momma penguins have got some kind of radar inside of them. They KNOW when their babies are gonna be hatching outta their eggs. They arrive back to their eggs and baby daddies sometimes the exact day that they hatch.

It’s crazzzzzy!!

Then they regurgitate the food they ate for their babies to eat.

Have you ever seen March of the Penguins? Well I did and it was freaking sad stuff. Geesh, penguins have to live through the harshest weather around AND they give up their food for their younglings.

Penguins are pretty much epic.

And when I say pretty much epic, I mean yah, they are definitely epic.

PSSSST. I gotta tell you this before I end this post. I got the title from a random poem I found about penguins.
I googled.

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